Illustration for Beginning of Spring

立春大福(豆大福)/Lichun Daifuku (Bean Daifuku)

ふきのとうの天ぷら/Tempura of Japanese butterbur

伊勢海老の味噌汁/Miso soup with lobster

いなり寿司/sushi wrapped in fried tofu

あおやぎと春野菜の和え物/Trough Shell with Spring Vegetables

伊予柑のオランジェット/Iyokan Orangette

バレンタインチョコレート/Valentine's Day Chocolates

小松菜と厚揚げの煮浸し/simmered komatsuna and deep-fried tofu

チキナー(辛子菜)スパムおにぎり/Chikina (spicy chikina) Spam rice balls

トンカツ/pork cutlet

高菜おにぎり/Rice ball with takana

高菜チャーハン/Fried rice with takana

めはり寿司/Rxce ball wrapped in pickled leaf mustard greens

素魚の踊り食い/Dancing and eating of the unprocessed fish

イトヨリダイのアクアパッツァ/Aqua Pazza of Itoyori Snapper
"Ippin Shichijūni-kō" – Illustration for Risshun
"Ippin Shichijūni-kō" is an illustration series that depicts seasonal foods in accordance with the traditional Japanese calendar of Shichijūni-kō (Seventy-Two Microseasons). These illustrations are created as part of the Sunday edition of Tokyo Shimbun, accompanying articles on haiku and tanka poetry.
What Are Shichijūni-kō and Nijūshi-sekki?
In the traditional Japanese calendar, the year is divided into four seasons—spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Each season is further divided into six parts, forming the Nijūshi-sekki (Twenty-Four Solar Terms). Each of these is further divided into three, creating the Shichijūni-kō (Seventy-Two Microseasons), which change approximately every five days. Each microseason is named after a natural phenomenon observed during that period, helping people in ancient times mark the passage of the seasons.
About the Illustration for Risshun
The first theme in this series is Risshun, one of the Twenty-Four Solar Terms, which signifies the beginning of spring according to the calendar. While the weather may still be cold, subtle signs of spring start to emerge. This illustration highlights seasonal ingredients that are at their peak during this time, showcasing the richness of Japan’s food culture.
Future works in this series will be released following the cycle of the Twenty-Four Solar Terms. I hope you enjoy the beauty of Japan’s changing seasons through the lens of food.
「いっぴん七十二候」より 立春のイラストレーション
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